New Project :: Short Story :: The Obscured Power (Working title)

Hello and Welcome!! Today I would like to announce my next short story, that's in the making. I'm not sure on the title that I have given it, so it might change later on into it. Some of the illustrations has been drawn out and half way completed. Trust me when I say that the illustrations in this one are more detailed and not naive this time around. I had more time recently and have improved on the illustrations as best as I can and how I saw them in my mind. Some of the actual story has been written, but not yet edited by my friend Robyn Y who did edit my last short story. I can't say much on it either, since I don't want it to be spoiled as well, like the other. My editor Robyn was wondering maybe that I should publish them through livejournal and their type of system. I need to look into that, but it's a possibility that might happen in the future for me and my stories. I'm also thinking of another short story I can write about, once this one is fully complete, but none has popped into my mind at the moment, so we'll see on that as well. Going back into the publishing a bit, I do need more input on my first short story, in order to decided in looking into publishing them or not. So please anyone who reads it in my last post, please leave a comment and let me know if you liked it or not, Thanks! Well more on this new short story will be updated later on, so keep on a look out here when you can for the updates! Thanks for your time and patience!!


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