
Showing posts from August, 2010

New Project:: Photoshop CS3:: Digital Painting:: Jacob -- Complete

Hello and welcome!! Sorry for no recent updates since I have been busy with my jobs. Alas, I'm done with my latest digital painting I did for a friend of mine. Jacob (Twilight) --- Photoshop CS3 --- Complete --- 08/28/2010 What do you guys think? I'm just having difficulties printing it out for my friend at my home printer. I need to think of how I would be able to without streaking out or so, with the ink, along with the paper type. I'm planning on making this into a small business for myself, since I do need the money for personal reasons. I will place the prices here soon, if anyone is interested. I will start another painting like this for another friend of mine as well, but this time it will be a pet, not a person. Quite a challenge there, being an animal, but I'm willing to accept it. Well, let me know if anyone's interested in me making you one and the prices on the artwork. Thanks for viewing and stopping by!

New Project:: Photoshop CS3:: Digital Painting:: Jacob, plus Update

Hello and welcome! I'm sorry I haven't been updating this. I have been completely busy with work, well both jobs. I will soon have time again to work on artwork or my stories. I hate not working on something artistic in my life, its a hobby of mine and time for me to relax, but since I've been terribly busy at both jobs then I haven't had time for it. I have started a new painting in Photoshop CS3. A friend requested me to draw her an image of an actor from the Twilight movie series named Jacob. It's coming out nice and I'm planning on making one of Edward from Twilight as well. I think that if I continue with this type of artwork that I might get better at it and possibly make it as a small business. If so, then its a good way for me to get used to Photoshop and get better at it and its tools. Well, I hope with my scheduling from both my jobs lightens up as it seems it will be soon, then I'll have more time to do more artwork and get caught up on my stories...