
Showing posts from 2011

Updates:: Changes to blog

Hello and welcome!! Sorry there hasn't been an update here for a long while. Since I have more time now, I will be getting back into making more digital paintings in Photoshop CS3 very soon. Right now I would like to bring up several changes into this blog. As you can tell some of them by first glance, I did add my logo as a banner and well as the "favicon" as it is referred here in blogspot. I also added all the digital paintings I have done so far in the mini gallery to your right of this post. So far, it is only 4 pictures, but more will be added there and to my flickr account as well, to be displayed in that mini gallery there. There may be more changes as time goes by so don't be shocked of sudden changes. Changes are good to anything, so expect more to come. I will also continue several paintings I have put on hiatus during the year or more and if you need a refresher on those here they are: here and here . Not many as you can see, but I will be adding more ...

New Project:: Photoshop CS3:: Digital Painting:: Uncle Bubba -- Update 4

Hello and welcome!! It is complete!! I was not able to print it out today, but at least it is complete. To my eyes, it is complete, but what do you, the audience, think?? I also figured out a title for it. Here it is in its steps/progress: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Uncle Bubba: Uncle Bubba -- Photoshop CS3 -- Complete -- 09/02/2011 Well, my next project is to finish the Jester and then I have others in mind to paint afterwards, so I will mention those when I get started on them. Thanks for stopping by and viewing!!

New Project:: Photoshop CS3:: Digital Painting:: Untitled -- Update 3

Hello and welcome!! As promised, I bring you an update of the latest Photoshop project I've been working on. Worked on the arms, some of the background, shirt and baby's leg. The main thing that I've been doing is the details on the painting and its basically what I'll be working on till Friday comes along. My goal is to finish it before Friday comes, so I can print it at my old job and hopefully get to do 2 things at once there. I sure do hope I finish on time and have time to stop by my old job Friday for print out, they got the best printers there lol. Well, off I go and until next time!! Thanks for stopping by!

New Project:: Photoshop CS3:: Digital Painting:: Untitled -- Update 2

Hello and Welcome!! Here is an update on the Untitled digital painting piece I am working on recently. Trying my best to crunch some time to it, 1-2 hrs max, each day I can. So here it is: Untitled: Well, like I said, I will try my best to crunch some time to this one every day of the week if I can. So keep on checking back on the progress of it. Thanks!

Chibi project Complete

As promised, in previous post, this is the completed version of the project called "Chibi". Post of it can be seen HERE. Final Completed version: So please let me know what you think of it and what you liked about it!! Thanks for stopping by!!


Hello and welcome!! I do sincerely apologize that this hasn't been updated in a long while. With the current new job I have and not having Photoshop to get any new projects started, this blog was put in a hiatus...per se. Although recently I have got myself a copy of Photoshop and can begin to make more digital paintings and show their progress along the way, their journeys. I got two (2) so far that I have started, yet the completion of a previous one to display. I do apologized for not posting up the results of "Chibi", but it has been completed for quite awhile now, but as I explained earlier, work and equipment setbacks get in the way. I will display "Chibi" in another post, possibly after this post. Anyways, these are the two new projects I'm working in currently, on and off. DMC Jester: He is a character from a video game series called "Devil May Cry", reference picture can be googled. He is still a continuous project. Untitled: T...


Hello and Welcome!! I'm sorry for not posting in such a long time, but things tend to come up in the last minute and well, time flies by when that happens. As of right now, I do not have much to show. I have an idea for a business, that might come into demand, once its released and known, but I do need the materials for it in order to put it out there and it succeed. I really do not want to say what this business is about, ideas get stolen/copied and whatnot, and I'm not even sure if it will be successful yet. So I'm in the process of gathering the materials I need for it, to start it, and well market it out there to cilentele who might be interested in it. I still got some ideas of short stories, but piecing them together in order for them to succeed as well faulter and not work in the end of it all. I'll try my best to work at that and not let my lack of motivation get to me and my work. I have been doing short doodles of my daily schedule routine (of what I do each d...

Happy New Year!!

Hello and Welcome!! Happy New Year to everyone who stops by and checks up on my blog here!! I'm sure we all had our ups and downs in the last year, but I do hope its a better one in 2011 for everyone!! I will try, in this New Year, to better update this site and bring in lots more work for everyone to see!! Also a better network for myself and my artwork!! I wish everyone a better new year and more happiness for all!! Thank you for stopping by!!