
Showing posts from November, 2011

Updates:: Changes to blog

Hello and welcome!! Sorry there hasn't been an update here for a long while. Since I have more time now, I will be getting back into making more digital paintings in Photoshop CS3 very soon. Right now I would like to bring up several changes into this blog. As you can tell some of them by first glance, I did add my logo as a banner and well as the "favicon" as it is referred here in blogspot. I also added all the digital paintings I have done so far in the mini gallery to your right of this post. So far, it is only 4 pictures, but more will be added there and to my flickr account as well, to be displayed in that mini gallery there. There may be more changes as time goes by so don't be shocked of sudden changes. Changes are good to anything, so expect more to come. I will also continue several paintings I have put on hiatus during the year or more and if you need a refresher on those here they are: here and here . Not many as you can see, but I will be adding more ...