New Updates:: Facebook Page changes

Hello and Welcome!

I would like to start off with an apology to anyone who was, and hopefully still is, viewing this blog. I know I haven't updated like I said I would, but now is better than never. So shall we? Lets.

There has been many updates on the Digital Blu page on Facebook! My main focus has been Photography as of late, so every month or end of the month, I update it with various photos I took during the month. I have gracefully created albums titled appropriately for the type of photos I take (i.e. Nature, Places, etc.). I have had the great opportunity to take many photos on the traveling I do with my family, so whenever I get the chance, I take a photo of what catches my eye. So please do check out all of my artwork in the page and as usual, if you have any ideas or opinions of what I should take photos of then don't hesitate to leave a comment on the page!

Baptisms and Thank you Cards
I said it before and I'll say it again, I am still available for photo shoots of any kind! Whether you just want to update your walls with professional like photos, photos for a special occasion, birthdays, or just for the fun of it then please don't hesitate to leave a comment on the Facebook wall or send me a private message of when, where and what you would like done! Whatever type of photo shoot you would like, I'll try my best of it. If you would like samples of photo shoots, go check out the Facebook page under the "Photography Event: Baby Ivan" or "Photography: People" albums.

I had the wonderful opportunity to be the Photographer for my nephew Ivan's Baptism and for his Thank You cards photo shoot, for his Baptism. I will soon have samples of how the Thank You Cards came out to be, but for right now all I can show you is this photo:

That was one of the photos that I enjoyed the most that I took. There are more and I will try to post them as soon as I can get a hold of them from my sister. Yes, I did use a Canon professional camera, but I also got great photos with my new phone. As soon as the prints come out, you bet I will place them on my portfolio, as I have done in the past before already with my other photos.

Thank you
To those who have stuck around my blog and Facebook page, I would like to Thank you! And of course to the people who Liked my Facebook page, I appreciate all of you who believe in me and my talents. Liking my page means you care and believe in me and I hope you share my page to friends of yours who also enjoy Photography or Art in general. Thank you!

I'm going to try to update my official website with new photos and basically clean it up a bit more, just like I did with my Facebook page. Sorry that I haven't updated that either, but life can get in the way of your hobby or passion you enjoy the most in your life. If you would like updates of any of my photography work or so then go on ahead and Follow Me on Instagram as well!


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