2019 and beyond!

Welcome to 2019 folks! I hope that this new year treats you well and keeps you in the positive path in any decision or journey that crosses in your life. If you're an artist, in any shape or form, then I hope you stay creative, original, and inspirational! So, let's begin!

So for starters, I'm sorry for the lack in everything in this blog. I tend to say things, in the sense of wanting to keep up with as a resolution and then I fail and don't keep up with it. Hopefully, this time around, I will have more time to dedicate my time and attention to a lot of things around here and that is including my hobbies. Back to the title at hand, I have been updating my Facebook page more than this blog. Although I am here to explain as to the current changes that will be happening in my Facebook page. You, as the audience, will be seeing posts added each Sunday afternoon of new edited photos I took over my Christmas holiday week off with my family. My family loves traveling, so its always a great opportunity to take photos especially if its places I've never been.

So far, what you have been seeing, is 3 different locations I never been. One is in Union, Illinois, then Williamstown, Kentucky and then Cincinnati, Ohio. Keeping in mind that I was unaware that we were taking a vacation within a vacation, but my family is full of surprises. We went to Union, Illinois for a Railway Museum my sister and her small family have been to and took a train ride. It was interesting to see all the old trains no longer in service. Some of the photos you will be seeing will be there and the old trains. Next trip was to Williamstown, Kentucky for the Ark Encounter. I totally recommend visiting that exhibit, just keep in mind that it is a big boat or ark with lots of small exhibits and walking due to 3 floors. For more information on the exhibit, click its name above. After the exhibit, we took a pit stop at Cincinnati, Ohio for some photos. The only photos I took there were of a bridge because I'm fond on bridges and don't ask me why because I don't even know. I'm hoping that one day I can go back to Peoria, Illinois which is where I took my first photo of a bridge with my camera phone. Hopefully one day, I can visit each bridge that is known in their rightful state along with that one with my DSLR camera now. As I mentioned earlier, you will see posts of my edited photos on Sunday afternoons from each of these trips so keep an eye out and I would appreciate a "Like" on any of them you enjoy!

More trips 
We are planning our trips wisely now since we would like for our new year to be based on trips. We both love traveling and well with our new ways and open mindedness, we would like to travel as much as we can. We know we have 2 convention trips in mind (C2E2 & Akon) and there is where I can practice on my Portrait skills with people and along the way some Landscape as well. We have a few other trips in mind, but we cannot discuss them yet since we are unsure ourselves if they will be possible. Follow me on my Twitter account to know exactly when I will be at the conventions and when to expect the photos to be up and edited. So stay tuned for all these future trips and edited photos!

It may look easy to take photos and at times it is, for me its a bit easier with Landscape, but the process on editing is a different story. Please keep that in mind with anyone you see that is Freelance Photographer or any other artist that it does take our time to show you the final pieces. We take our time to have our pieces just right and if you hire someone for whatever artwork you requested, keep in mind of all the time we took to make you happy and satisfied for your piece! Any of my Landscape photos you see are available for print to purchase and if you would like them on canvas please just let know via Direct Message on my Facebook page and I can make it happen and give you a price as well! As always Thank you for your support, share my Facebook page with your friends and enjoy what you see!!


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