New pages and hobbies!
Hello and welcome! 100 Likes Well, my Facebook Page has finally received 100 likes! I want to Thank each and every one of you, the audience. I want to Thank you for believing in me, my hobbies and all that I am able to show and share with you all. I am very proud of my page getting to 100 likes, it really does mean a lot to me. It shows that you do care to follow it and what I have to offer you! Even if its not 5+ likes that I get in each post that I add, which I would like too but not trying to be greedy now, but just liking my page just shows that you are paying attention and like what you see. Hopefully we can push it to 150 or 200 likes later, who knows, but I hope so once all of my hobbies turn into successful businesses. So, here's to more likes in the future! Events So, C2E2 came and went and it was a hassle. I was able to take as many photos as I could of cosplay, so those photos will be coming soon. Once I finish adding all the classic cars in the Facebook Page, then...