Tv Review: Game of Thrones and finale

Game of Thrones

"Is roughly based on the storylines of A Song of Ice and Fire, set in the fictional Seven Kingdoms of Westeros and the continent of Essos. The series chronicles the violent dynastic struggles among the realm's noble families for the Iron Throne, while other families fight for independence from it." -Wikipedia.

In all technicality, the show was based on the books authored by George R.R. Martin which have the same name or boxed into one whole series called Game of Thrones: A Song of Ice and Fire. Following that there are 7 books total and each have their own name, i.e. A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, etc. The last two books are still in the making. You are most definitely introduced to many different characters, but in the show you are introduced to The Starks, The Lannisters and The Targaryens, 3 completely different households. Throughout the whole series you see lots of battles, back stabbing and secrets being exposed and also a lot of betrayal which is in itself a form of back stabbing. If you like action, wars and a plot that thickens throughout the seasons then this is the show for you. Keep in mind that it is based in the medieval era and if that is your type of era or thing, then click the play button and start the show. Each season has 10 episodes except the last season, season 8, and it only has 6 episodes. Even though most of the seasons were taken from the book series, this last season was not since the book series was not completed and it's still not, but yet the books are in the works.

I myself did not want to get into watching this show. I figured it was another trend, I wasn't going to understand it because of the type of language or proper words they were going to use throughout the show (and well they do!) and just all of these plots within plots of being introduced that I would eventually get them all mixed up. Those are my reasons at first for not getting into the series, but then peer pressure played a lovely game for the throne within me and I caved in (the peer pressure being my husband that is!). At first I felt so rushed in getting into the show and once we rewatched it before this last season started, everything made so much sense the second round for me. I remember scenes or moments from the show being different in comparison to when I rewatched it and was thinking to myself, "No, Eddard Stark didn't die in the second season. He died in the first!" or was it the first? and so on but once we rewatched the series, everything came into place for me and I understood everything. The first round of me watching the show, everything became squished or smashed up up like smashed potatoes and I just didn't understand it. So don't worry, if you start to watch the show in the same matter, and you start to feel confused then you were not alone. Don't binge watch the show, watch it in your own pace and don't let anyone get you into it or peer pressured into it. If you like this type of thing or shows then go right ahead and start if you haven't already. 

If you kept up with the show then continue to read! If you have not seen the finale and stumbled onto my post here and do not want spoilers, then look away or click something else now! Spoilers ahead!!

The season in whole was jam packed with lots of action, in the forms of war. We saw each big battle coming due to the last actions from the previous season or episode. And some, we didn't really see coming at all and it took us all by surprise. I know I was surprised a couple of times! I know exactly which scene from the whole season was my favorite because it was that memorable. I'll go add this here and you'll understand why. Just the way they slow motioned that scene alone was epic and we all knew that her training was kick ass, but with purpose. It's always with purpose! Scenes or the way certain lines were delivered were delivered for a purpose, in this show. Some can definitely be categorized as foreshadowing while others just were in there for the shits and giggles to stray us away and make us think more things are going to happen, also known as plot twists. Yet some plot twists were just left hanging to air dry, no purpose at all. 

A lot of you people or fans of the show are disappointed in how this series ended or just particularly the last episode. Most if not all said it was rushed, writing sucked, that's not how some characters should've died, and so on. In my opinion, well, what else is there to talk about basically? Yes, some questions are left hanging and unanswered and yes those could've been answered with maybe two other episodes in this season and if that's the case, everyone might be happy. No? You still hate the writing and how quick it was? Well maybe some of the questions will be answered in the spin offs or prequels of the show. You need to keep in mind that we might need to see the creation or reason for the creation in order to understand the now. Also keep in mind that they had to wing this season since there was no book to follow through with it, but in the positive part George R.R. Martin was a producer through it all and he approved. I did find a good link to questions that were left unanswered here and some may be funny, but they speak the truth. Again, keep in mind that maybe some will be answered in the spin offs, we just need to wait and see. I think that it ended alright and I was not impressed nor unhappy about it. Everyone got their scenes to let us know where they're at and what they're doing or see that they got what they wanted in one form or another. In Jon Snows case, well, I'm not sure why he went back to Castle Black and The Wall, but at least he is not alone and the Wildlings accepted him the way he is and welcomed him into their pack. Also everyone got to see him finally interact with Ghost again. What got me to actually cry in this last episode was Ghost with Jon and mainly Drogon trying to check on his mother and how he just flew off with her body into nothingness. I care more for animals than people it seems and that maybe something cruel, but its the truth. We all got an explanation of what each characters role is going to be and that brings everything together to an appropriate end. I had a really great statement or question I was going to add here, but it slipped my mind. What do you think should've happened? Why are you not satisfied with the ending? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks!


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