Hello, I am sorry for not posting anything new from the PSP I have been modeling in Maya 2009. I have been very busy this week with house work and other personal situations. Even though I have stated in the beginning of my blog that I won't be able to post daily, I am apologizing for this long absence. Anyways, the only thing I would need to do in order to finish the PSP is adding or making all the labels it has: the logos, "L" and "R" buttons, basically every small button or accessory it has on it and some usb ports it has as well. I will try my best to finish it and as usual add images showing that it is complete. I am not sure what other project I should do next after this one is done, but I have been thinking on it. I might invest my time with another object or try to model some logos out there, that are basically seen everywhere and known by everyone OR try to model one of my environments I thought of in the end of last year. Anyways, not everything will be made through Maya 2009, but with other programs as well. I still apologize for no new updates on the PSP! I have also engaged myself into writing a short story, so that is also in the process of being written. If you're interested in reading about it or would like to read it, then please let me know! Thank you for your patience and understanding!!
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