New Project:: Maya 2009:: PSP (Playstation Portable) Take 4

Hello everyone who checks up on my blog here. I again apologize for the long absence. I have been terribly busy with paperwork and orientations that came up in my schedule recently. Alas, here are some updates on the PSP (PlayStation Portable). I only added some of the logos here and there, but I will be adding the rest soon enough. I would like to finish this project, before my life turns busy on me, plus I have 3 other projects on hiatus or on hold. Well, here are the picture updates.

step 7::

I'll be adding the rest of the logos onto it very soon and post images of that up. Once I'm completely done, I will add a 360 video of it, plus pictures!! As I mentioned before, I am writing a story and will be drawing pictures for it to fit with it. If anyone's interested in reading my story, when it's complete, please let me know here or in another site you know me in!! Thanks and enjoy!!


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