The Writing bug struck a nerve

Hello and Welcome!

There have been a couple of projects on the side with my photography. Most, of course, have been of events we have gone and I have taken pictures of. By now, most of the Cosplay photos have rolled out onto the Digital Blu Facebook page and some new ones will be on their way from a small event we went to in Taylor, Texas. It was a small convention regarding toy trains and Legos. All these pictures from this event will be crawling out now until mid October. I do have another project on the side regarding my extensive collection of The X-Files memorabilia that I have collected over the years, starting around in the year 1998 or 1999. I first put these photos in my personal Facebook page, to display them since I am very proud of my collection and still to this day am still collecting an item I do not own. I have crossed these photos to my Digital Blu Facebook page as well, as practice for my Product Photography hobby that I would like to turn into a business one day. All the items that I will be displaying are not for sale, so please do not think of reaching out to me to purchase any!!

I believe we do have an event coming up in mid October, but I do need confirmation of this. Once it's confirmed, I will make a small event marker in the Digital Blu page for it. We also have a small mini vacation coming up for us that we are heading to another part of Texas that we have not been to, but tried to recently. That location is called Canyon Lake, Texas and we will be visiting the area and any landmarks around it for me to take photos. Hopefully we find or get lucky to see beautiful landscapes for me to take photographs of; my favorite genre of photography is Landscape after all.

I believe we do have other events we would like to attend coming up in the end of the year, but we just need some confirmation to see if its in our budget to attend. As I see the Facebook calendar to events I got interested in I see many are coming up and so we will see if we can attend to those and make a marker for them when it's fully confirmed. So keep up to date with my Digital Blu Facebook page for more photos and events we will be attending!

So this bug has been bugging my legs, ok I am mixing it with reality- I hate mosquitoes and they really have been biting my legs, but the writing bug has been bugging me recently. I believe it's due to a cousin of my husband's since they have writing a novel based on true events that have occurred to them. We, my husband and I, did know of some events, but others we didn't and feel sad for them occurring. Alas, they have overcome their fear and moved on. Their writing is inspiring me in getting back into writing. I know I had a lot of ideas for stories growing up and I have started to dig through some old dusty notebooks and online journals for these stories and I have found them from the abyss they were in. I know I have another story that I quite proud of in the extent of detail and words I poured into the story. I was only able to find some parts to that story and I need to find the original notebook for the rest. I believed I had it with me, but alas I couldn't find it and I think it's back home in my room. I will look for it in my next visit home.

I have found other stories I have written and would like to pick them back up to finish, but I hate doing so. Why you may ask? The ideas I had then will not be the same now or what I was trying to accomplish with the story and it doesn't feel right to me at all now that I cannot and do not like to continue to finish it. Either way, I am very proud of my work and don't mind displaying it for everyone to see and so I might continue them, although I am still on the offense of it. So if you would like to see any of that work, then head on over to my profile in WattPad for all my writing, including my poetry. I believe I wrote about a book I picked up in Half Price books in one of these entries before, the book is called "Write the Story" and those stories will also be in that site as well. I have yet to publish the first entry due to not sure if its been edited correctly, but I just might publish it for everyone to see. Each chapter or page, with different words, will be the next chapter to my full story. According to the site for that book, it has 200 pages, but each page has different words and a different topic. So I do believe its basically 400 short stories they want you to write and maybe to them the page is the limit. Mine already will not fit in one single page, so mine will be expanded and have no limits. So if you like that kind of story, that turns into a novel, then keep up with me and I will produce that with time. Give me time since I do have an actual 7-4 shift job and other projects in my small mind and life that I want to accomplish. Maybe during my spare time at work, I will work on it, so check back there on my profile for it in WattPad.

As always Thank you for your support, share my Digital Blu page with your friends and happy reading!


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