
Showing posts from 2010

Updates v0.1

Hello and Welcome everyone! I'm sorry that there hasn't been any [new] activities or updates in here. I started to have problems with my laptop and the result with that was that I needed to get a new one and I did. I'm still in the process of adding the programs I had in my old laptop, so that includes Microsoft Word and well Adobe [Photoshop] suites/programs as well. Both programs I used to update this blog, so there will be delays in any or all projects I was working on at the moment. I'm sorry for the delays, absence in updates in blog and in-activeness. Hopefully before the New Year comes or after, it will all be fine and active again. I also had lots of personal family issues going on during the absence, so my apologies once again! Thank you for visiting and understanding, in advance!

New Project:: Short story:: The Computer Virus:: Complete

Hello and Welcome! Today I come baring a new gift, which is my newest short story I wrote and it's called "The Computer Virus". If you would like a copy of it, you can download it from here or read it as well from here, if you don't prefer to save it. I also didn't add any illustrations to this short story; thought it should be different this time! Let me know what everyone thinks of it by commenting me here or just email me your comments directly to my personal email! Enjoy, sorry for the delay in it and Thanks for stopping by!! Link: The Computer Virus

New Project:: Short story:: The Computer Virus

Hello and Welcome!! I wrote a new short story, very short, on Monday during some leisure time at work. It is being edited at the moment by the same editor of my last short story. I'm already drawing illustrations for it, so hopefully when I get my short story edited back, then I will put everything together and well post up my short story here, for everyone to read and/or download. As you can tell, "The Computer Virus" is the title for it and I hope everyone enjoys it when I announce when I will post it up here. Thanks for stopping by and keep on checking!!

New Project:: Photoshop CS3:: Digital Painting:: Chibi -- Update 1

Hello and welcome!!! Today I present you my newest digital painting project. This piece is my first example as to what I mean with "2 different pictures in 1" artwork, in my prices. This project is for another friend of mine, which is her dog named Chibi. I will reduce the size to the painting in the lower left corner, in order for it to fit with the rest of the piece. Reference pictures were taken from her album in facebook. If anyone would like a piece like this one, please provide me the pictures and what kind of background you would like in it!! Like I said, prices for this type of artwork is the blog post before this one. This is only the first update to this painting, it's not the final one. Thanks for viewing and stopping by!

Digital Paintings :: Prices

Well, I'm placing the prices here already just in case anyone would like to know them, depending on the picture itself and detail on it. Regulations : 01. You get to pick the photo of your choice, unless you don't mind me picking it! 02. If you pick it, please send it to me via here, as a comment (if possible) or ask for my email! 03. CASH only please, if local!!! 04. If money is an issue, then we can art trade. You draw me something and we can trade the artwork off once we're BOTH done! 05. Do NOT rush me please! I do have two (2) jobs ...and well a life. 06. Any artwork done will be placed in my portfolio and site(s) with a watermark. You will get a personal copy of it with NO watermark on it. 07. I can digitally sign it OR if you like, I can sign it after it is printed out. Your choice! 08. These prices are for painting done in Photoshop CS3 program!! If you like traditional (pencil, hand drawn) artwork, please let me know how you want it done. Prices may change, if tra...

New Project:: Photoshop CS3:: Digital Painting:: Jacob -- Complete

Hello and welcome!! Sorry for no recent updates since I have been busy with my jobs. Alas, I'm done with my latest digital painting I did for a friend of mine. Jacob (Twilight) --- Photoshop CS3 --- Complete --- 08/28/2010 What do you guys think? I'm just having difficulties printing it out for my friend at my home printer. I need to think of how I would be able to without streaking out or so, with the ink, along with the paper type. I'm planning on making this into a small business for myself, since I do need the money for personal reasons. I will place the prices here soon, if anyone is interested. I will start another painting like this for another friend of mine as well, but this time it will be a pet, not a person. Quite a challenge there, being an animal, but I'm willing to accept it. Well, let me know if anyone's interested in me making you one and the prices on the artwork. Thanks for viewing and stopping by!

New Project:: Photoshop CS3:: Digital Painting:: Jacob, plus Update

Hello and welcome! I'm sorry I haven't been updating this. I have been completely busy with work, well both jobs. I will soon have time again to work on artwork or my stories. I hate not working on something artistic in my life, its a hobby of mine and time for me to relax, but since I've been terribly busy at both jobs then I haven't had time for it. I have started a new painting in Photoshop CS3. A friend requested me to draw her an image of an actor from the Twilight movie series named Jacob. It's coming out nice and I'm planning on making one of Edward from Twilight as well. I think that if I continue with this type of artwork that I might get better at it and possibly make it as a small business. If so, then its a good way for me to get used to Photoshop and get better at it and its tools. Well, I hope with my scheduling from both my jobs lightens up as it seems it will be soon, then I'll have more time to do more artwork and get caught up on my stories...

New Project:: Short Story:: The Obscured Power (Working Title) pt.3

Hello and Welcome! Sorry about the delay in this short story, but lots of things have been happening in my end for me to not even work on this short story. When I have time, I promise I will get back to it and continue it. Lets just say, I've been in hiatus from it. Work has been hectic and life in general too and I'm trying to resolve the hecticness and calm the storms down, before others begin or so. I'm still debating on the title on this one, I don't think it fits quite well with it, like the last one. I need to figure this out before I go any futher with it and just forget somehow. I also need to make some corrections to it, since I realized I was going another path with it and it wasn't the right one for it. Other than those changes, need to be made, I changed the layout to this blog. Do you like it? I've also been thinking of making another blog, but I always step back and think that I have one already; a personal one, that not all can see. That main poin...

New Project :: Short Story :: The Obscured Power (working title) pt. 2

Hello and sorry for the inactivity around here. My motivation or my thrive to write has disappeared on me all of a sudden, but there are good reasons for them disappearing on me. I've been through a lot of stress and many things have happened in my life that disrupted me from writing or getting back to it, I should say. Today I continued writing on the second short story and will soon send it to my editor, in parts. The Illustrations have been complete, but only need to be colored through Photoshop and that'll be done when I have free time on my hands. I have yet to get more feedback on my last short story, so please if anyone does read my blog entries here and read my short story, leave a message on what you thought of it!! I would like to know if its worth being published one day in the future along with any other short stories I will write in the future too. I'm still debating if I should place it on a type of site (or its sister site). If you would like t...

New Project :: Short Story :: The Obscured Power (Working title)

Hello and Welcome!! Today I would like to announce my next short story, that's in the making. I'm not sure on the title that I have given it, so it might change later on into it. Some of the illustrations has been drawn out and half way completed. Trust me when I say that the illustrations in this one are more detailed and not naive this time around. I had more time recently and have improved on the illustrations as best as I can and how I saw them in my mind. Some of the actual story has been written, but not yet edited by my friend Robyn Y who did edit my last short story. I can't say much on it either, since I don't want it to be spoiled as well, like the other. My editor Robyn was wondering maybe that I should publish them through livejournal and their type of system. I need to look into that, but it's a possibility that might happen in the future for me and my stories. I'm also thinking of another short story I can write about, once this one is fully comple...

New Project:: Short story:: The Comic Relief:: Complete

Hello and welcome!! I would like to announce that the story and artwork is complete. If you would like to download/view the story without the artwork, please let me know and I will add a version of it here as well. Sorry that my artwork looks childish, but it is the best I can do with the busy schedule I have in my life as of late. All artwork was drawn by me and then colored and corrected under Adobe Photoshop CS3 and my Wacom drawing tablet. Well enjoy the artwork and download/view it when you please. Thank you for sticking around for it and seeing updates on it. My other short story is in the process of being written on, so don't hesitate to look back here and see its updates as well!! :) Link : Short Story

New Project:: Short Story:: The Comic Relief pt. 5

Hello everyone!! Sorry for the silence around here, I have been busy and lots of things have happened while I was away. The story is 95% complete in being put together. I just need two more drawings to finish and it will be posted up here for everyone to download, read and enjoy it. My net at home has been down for like a week so the actual posting of the download will be delayed until further notice. Sorry about the wait, but thanks for the patience and looking here to see if there are any updates. Thanks for reading!!!

New Project:: Short story:: The Comic Relief pt. 4

Hello and welcome everyone!! Today I'm proud to announce that the story is officially finished! It is sad to have landed on the ending today, but I was also excited to end it and couldn't put my pencil down while this happened. Well, being written on I should say. It will need to be edited one more time and then put together into a pdf file for people who would like to read it can download it and enjoy it!! Now, I'm debating if I should leave the ending how I wrote it or make it into a cliff hanger. I will have to discuss it with my editor, Robyn, on that. There are some drawings that need to be finished on and it will go into the "putting together" pile as well. Hopefully if I have this coming weekend off from my job, I'll be able to put it all together and convert it to that pdf file and everyone will be able to download it before the weekend is over or so. Let's hope it does go that way, since I know there are some people waiting to read it and possibl...

New Project:: Short story:: The Comic Relief pt. 3

Hello and welcome!! Sorry for no updates until now. I have been extremely busy having a new job and getting adjusted to it slowly, plus still volunteering at a Hospital. Anyways, the story is still being written on and edited and I have drawn drawings that associate with the story. These two drawings, in which I cannot show yet, is what I saw when I had this dream. It is all i could remember and close to how it was in my dream. I am uncertain if I should try to draw the characters or just let the readers imagination build up into how they look like. I will think into that and see what fits better. I am possibly 70-80% done with the story being written, but after it is done being written it will need to be edited and put together in a pdf format. Hopefully the story will be done very soon and put together soon. I can tell I won't have time in it much, with this new job. Thanks for sticking around and watching out for updates!!

New Project:: Short story:: The Comic Relief pt. 2

Welcome!! I have figured out the summary for my story "The Comic Relief" and hopefully it's suitable for it: Summary : Ever wondered how an idea of a comic is made? Or if the comic is based in reality? Three friends realize that their comic is based on reality and so their adventure starts in this short story. Join the group on this adventure and discover many things that are thrilling, yet shocking to witness. Inspired by a dream and Stephen King. Enjoy the authors first shorty story, but not her last. Written, created and artwork by Alex De Jesus. Edited by Robyn Yanagihara and Jenni Yanagihara. ---- Please stay tuned, as elements of the story develop on a somewhat daily basis, including the story itself. Thanks for viewing!!

New Project:: Short story:: The Comic Relief

Well, since I have began to volunteer for a hospital, I won't have much time to update any artwork I have introduced here. I am currently writing a short story and that does occupy my time during lunch breaks or waiting for work to begin, so that is being updated in a somewhat regular basis. I still need to make a summary for it, the artwork, and when it is complete I will upload it here as a .Pdf file, for anyone who would like to read it can download it here. It will have everything a published book has, which I am very excited about when I get to that point of putting everything together for it. Don't let the title of it fool you, "The Comic Relief", it has not much to not at all funny stuff in the story. It's actually a horror, a Stephen King type of a story. It is the best as I can explain it for now, since I don't want to spoil it for anyone. Well, that is basically all I'm doing on my spare time at work or so. Might need someone to help me out in ch...

New Project:: Maya 2009:: PSP (Playstation Portable) Finale - Video

Well, since I will be busy in my personal life very soon, I won't be able to have time to add the rest of the small features the PSP I made in Maya 2009. I'm kind of declaring this project complete, for now. Once I have time or would like to, I will go back to it and finish the small features I didn't add to it. Well, here is the video of it, a 360 of it. So enjoy and I'm glad people have put up with me. Sorry for the delay I had in this, but lots have been happening in my end. Well, enjoy!! Video 01 ~ Video 02~

New Project:: Photoshop CS3:: Digital Painting:: Eric & Me

Hello and welcome!! Today I am showing you one of the other projects I have put in hold for 2 months or so and that I kept mentioning in my other posts here. I started this one back in December of last year and put it to the side, to get back together at my home town and other situations came up. I am using Adobe Photoshop CS3 for this project with a reference picture on the side. The reference picture can be seen on my profile here in blogspot or here . I have done another picture like this before and it was my first. That picture can be seen at my DeviantArt page. Well, thanks for viewing and I will show the progress of this project as well. Enjoy! Version 1~

Mini Project:: House M.D. :: Maya 2009

Hello, this is a short mini project I just did in under 3 minutes in Maya 2009. I decided I wanted to make "House M.D."s logo they show in their intro to the show. I want to use it than just making it like that and putting it on the side, so any ideas are appreciated. I'm thinking of making the intro to the show in my own way, but I have lack of getting the song for it. Link of intro of show is here . Well anyways, got any ideas in how I can use it, please leave a comment!! Here is the picture of it and I promise you, it is in 3D. All credit of the logo of the show goes to the show and whoever made it!! Thanks and Enjoy!! House M.D.:: 3D~

New Project:: Maya 2009:: PSP (Playstation Portable) Take 6

Ahoy and Welcome!! Today I come bearing more gifts of updates!! Seems I only do this in the middle of the nights, but at least I'm doing it right? *laughs*. Ok, well today the rest of the symbols and plugins it comes with. You will notice them on the bottom side of the PSP and more near the screen. Thank goodness I actually have a PSP in my procession for this to happen. I have yet to think of what to do next in Maya 2009, any recommendations are welcomed and pleased!! I might just go on my other projects I have put on hiatus for a very long while now, which are two Photoshop CS3 paintings/drawings i started at the end of last year. Well here are my updates!! Thanks and enjoy!! Step 9~ Step 9:: Bottom Side~

New Project:: Maya 2009:: PSP (Playstation Portable) Take 5

Hello, I got one last update for the night. i have added more symbols/logos on the bottom of the PSP using Maya 2009. The "Home", "Vol", "+/-", "Select", "Power"...etc at the bottom of the PSP have been added. I still need the left side symbols and the two other buttons next to the "Select" button as well. Besides the logos that I mentioned that are needed, I also need the sides of the PSP...the usb ports and the alike. Anything else I need will be added very soon and I will be complete. Thanks for viewing!! Step 8~

New Project:: Maya 2009:: PSP (Playstation Portable) Take 4

Hello everyone who checks up on my blog here. I again apologize for the long absence. I have been terribly busy with paperwork and orientations that came up in my schedule recently. Alas, here are some updates on the PSP (PlayStation Portable). I only added some of the logos here and there, but I will be adding the rest soon enough. I would like to finish this project, before my life turns busy on me, plus I have 3 other projects on hiatus or on hold. Well, here are the picture updates. step 7:: I'll be adding the rest of the logos onto it very soon and post images of that up. Once I'm completely done, I will add a 360 video of it, plus pictures!! As I mentioned before, I am writing a story and will be drawing pictures for it to fit with it. If anyone's interested in reading my story, when it's complete, please let me know here or in another site you know me in!! Thanks and enjoy!!


Hello, I am sorry for not posting anything new from the PSP I have been modeling in Maya 2009. I have been very busy this week with house work and other personal situations. Even though I have stated in the beginning of my blog that I won't be able to post daily, I am apologizing for this long absence. Anyways, the only thing I would need to do in order to finish the PSP is adding or making all the labels it has: the logos, "L" and "R" buttons, basically every small button or accessory it has on it and some usb ports it has as well. I will try my best to finish it and as usual add images showing that it is complete. I am not sure what other project I should do next after this one is done, but I have been thinking on it. I might invest my time with another object or try to model some logos out there, that are basically seen everywhere and known by everyone OR try to model one of my environments I thought of in the end of last year. Anyways, not everything will be...

New Project:: Maya 2009:: PSP (Playstation Portable) Take 3

Welcome!! I am back with more pictures and updates on my project. So today I created the rest of the buttons the PSP has, fixed the coloring of it a bit, and fixed the holder it has on the left bottom side of the PSP. I'm sorry the term for it escapes my memory at the moment, but I hope you understand of which I am talking about *laughs*. Anyways, this is all I've done today since it was all I can afford to do. I am looking for a job on a regular basis and do need to intend to some house work as well. Well, enjoy and thanks for viewing as always! Step 5~ Step 6~ Step 6:: Side view~ Step 6:: Back view~

New Project:: Maya 2009:: PSP (Playstation Portable) Take 2

Welcome, today I continued on modeling my PSP in Maya 2009. I have added some of the buttons and fixed some of the coloring of it, mainly changed it to a phong instead of a blinn becasue the blinns' shinyness isn't what I liked, plus it did not give out that extra sparkle I wanted, when rendered. I used Mental Ray for my renders and the following pictures I will be adding to this post. To me, it is coming out smoothly, as I thought it would. Thank you for viewing!! Stage 3~ Stage 4~ Stage 4:: Side view~ Stage 4:: Top view~

New Project:: Maya 2009:: PSP (Playstation Portable)

Hello and welcome!! Today I decided to model a Playstation Portable in Maya 2009. I have thought of modeling it before, but I never had the time, until now. It is barely in its first stages, but it is coming along very well in my opinion. I thank God for having an actual PSP by my side, as a real reference. Well here it is and I hope it comes out just like a real one. Enjoy and Thanks for viewing!! First stage~ Second Stage~


Hello and welcome to my blog!! This blog will be in relation to my website!! Here I will be posting some of the projects I will be doing on my spare time. Whether it will be Photoshop images, paintings, traditional drawings, and/or Maya 2009; basically anything I am doing in my spare time. I am a recent graduate from The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago that focused more on modeling 3d Environments. If you would like to see any of my work, especially my Demo Reel, please feel free to go to my website and check out most of my artwork there. I would also like to point out that I do have a DeviantART account and if you would like to see my artwork there, then please let me know! Well enjoy what I will be posting here. I'm sorry in advance if I do not update this on a daily basis or so, for I am working on my projects and need to attend to some house work as well. Thank you for stopping by!